EAT | MEAT & BREAD (Gastown, Vancouver)

Turducken; chicken stuffed in duck, then stuffed in turkey. It's like a babushka doll for birds that only comes out at Christmas. One year Mum cooked a next level turducken. With a spatchcock and quail added to the mix, it was easily the Kim Kardashian of turduckens.  That's a whole lot of butt stuffing. Impressive to behold but sadly the end result was super dry and lacked flavour (side note: but damn good in mum's turkey pies the following day). My next turkducken experience on the other hand was dammmmmn fine. 

Sandwich lords Meat & Bread have been in the meat and bread game for almost six years now boasting five locations. I'm pretty sure the line still wraps around the corner of Cambie Street at its flagship spot in Gastown each day. By some stroke of luck we snuck in just before they shut shop for the Christmas break.

With only four sandwiches on the menu, Meat & Bread serves three staples (Porchetta, Meatball & Grilled Cheese) and a changing daily special. I'm still kicking myself we didn't order the Porchetta just quietly. The Meatball + Turducken went down a treat, hands down worth the wait. 

If you spot the Chocolate Bar at the counter ask no questions, just hand over your bills and stuff as many as you can in your pockets. Local chocolate company Beta5 hooked up with Meat & Bread for a night of unbridled smoky bacon and maple passion to create this incredible little love child. If your friends visit Vancouver and don't bring you one back, it doesn't mean they weren't thinking of you ... they probably just ate it on the plane (yep, guilty). 

Oyama Sausage Co.'s applewood-smoked bacon in a maple caramel resting on a layer of roasted almond and milk chocolate nougat, coated in 63% dark chocolate and finished with smoked sea salt.


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