
It is the little things in life, the ones that are right under your nose, that bring you the most happiness. I have always said that your birthday is a good indication of the person you have been over the year. If you are alone on your birthday maybe it is because you have not treasured and nourished those who love you enough or you have been so worried about your own flights and plights that you have forgotten those little people right under your nose. If you are surrounded by beautiful people and feel a little bit special and a whole lot of spoilt, then you have definitely done something right. I am pretty chuffed to know, that thankfully, I have been on the right track, as my 30th birthday was absolutely perfect. Endless birthday catch ups, long, heartstring pulling cards, perfectly chosen presents with the right touch of sentiment and a room full of amazing people. I feel so very blessed to have such an enriching life bubbling with splendour, laughter and good times (usually over food). Those lovely feelings and scrawls and photos of my favourite people were captured (under my nose) in a beautiful scrapbook of Guests I Have Met and Liked from my brilliant friends Maddy and Karina full of all those little things I cannot live without. 20120813-235623.jpg
